Study finds CBD Effective for Depression and Poor Sleep

A larger study that was funded by Leiutis Pharmaceuticals shows some promising results for those using CBD to treat anxiety, depression, and sleep issues. “Our findings indicate that administering 300-600 mg of nanodispersible CBD oral solution for 12 weeks is effective in treating mild to moderate anxiety disorders and associated depression and sleep quality disturbances. […]

Martha’s Vineyard is running out of weed

Massachusetts legalized marijuana way back in 2016, but you wouldn’t be able to tell if you spend most of your time on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. There was one medical dispensary (which just recently closed) and one recreational dispensary on the land, but other than that it’s entirely free of weed. The reason for […]

Martha’s Vineyard is running out of weed

Massachusetts legalized marijuana way back in 2016, but you wouldn’t be able to tell if you spend most of your time on the island of Martha’s Vineyard. There was one medical dispensary (which just recently closed) and one recreational dispensary on the land, but other than that it’s entirely free of weed. The reason for […]

Nearly 70% of Americans Support Cannabis Legalization

In a new Fox News poll, nearly seven in 10 voters, including a majority of Republicans, expressed support for the legalization of marijuana. This survey, released shortly after President Joe Biden’s announcement about rescheduling cannabis, shows 69 percent of registered U.S. voters favor ending marijuana prohibition, with 45 percent “strongly” supporting the reform. The poll […]

Hospital Visits for Cannabis Poisoning Triple After Canada’s Legalization

The number of older adults hospitalized for cannabis poisoning has tripled since Canada legalized the retail sale of marijuana, according to a study published Monday in JAMA Internal Medicine. The research highlights the increasing calls about cannabis-related side effects, particularly among seniors, following the rapid legalization of the drug in North America. Researchers analyzed over […]

Will Rescheduling Weed Help Biden with the youth?

Last October, a Lake Research Partners poll found that 58% of voters between the ages of 18 and 25 supported rescheduling of marijuana. That’s actually not as high as I would expect, but it’s still a solid majority. So now that rescheduling is in the process of happening, is it helping Biden? While polls aren’t […]

Inside Thailand’s Sudden Marijuana Reversal

Two years ago, Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha decided to decriminalize marijuana in order to bolster tourism in the country. The results were swift, with weed cafes sprouting up all over Bangkok and the notorious smell of the plant becoming inescapable. But the backlash was just as swift, and now polls are showing that 75% […]

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