Senators vote on DOOBIE Act Tomorrow

Winner for best name for a bill, the DOOBIE Act is getting a vote in a Senate committee. The bill would limit any federal agent’s ability to use past use of marijuana of a potential employee to determine whether or not they are hired. In full, the bill is titled the Dismantling Outdated Obstacles and […]

Are pesticides getting in marijuana in California?

A report by the LA Times that claims to have tested cannabis products with high levels of pesticides has sent shockwaves through the industry here in California. There is a threshold for exposure to pesticides within a single product, and the investigation found much higher levels in multiple products. This immediately calls to question how […]

Cannabis not brought up during debate, but beforehand

Well that debate was certainly hard to watch. And made even harder with no mention of cannabis throughout its 90-minute runtime. However, it seems like maybe touting the administration’s approach to marijuana was part of the plan of accomplishments, considering a webpage was introduced to Biden’s website on the day of the debate. On the […]

NCAA Athletes Can Now Smoke Marijuana

Effective immediately, basketball players in Division 1 NCAA teams are able to smoke marijuana without any repercussions. The plant has been removed from the banned substances list. Five months ago this rule change was proposed, arguing that cannabis is not a performance enhancing drug therefore should be allowed recreationally, similar to alcohol. “The NCAA drug […]

Shocker, weed doesn’t really help with Covid-19

Cannabis research is a long and windy road. There was a time where some studies were potentially pointing to a better outcome for Covid patients who ingested cannabis by reducing inflammation and lung damage. But with more time and attention brought to the studies, it seems that was a bit of a pipe dream. A […]

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