Rhode Island: Legislation Pending To Increase Medical Cannabis Access

Update: On June 14, House leadership rejected an amendment to the budget to expand the total number of dispensaries.
Update: On May 18 the Senate Judiciary Committee recommended measure be held for further study, tabling it for this year.
SB 176 is currently pending in the Rhode Island Senate. It amends the state’s Medical Marijuana Act, which currently only permits three medical marijuana dispensaries to operate in the entire state, to permit regulators to license up to six total dispensaries.
In recent years, the total number of registered medical cannabis patients in Rhode Island has nearly doubled to more than 17,000 people. It is necessary for regulators to license additional dispensaries in order to keep up with this increased demand.
You can contact your local officials in support of SB 176 by using the pre-written letter below.

California: Legislation To Bring Clarity And Protections For Marijuana Industry

Update: AB 1159 passed the Assembly on 5/15
AB 1159, would bring much-needed clarity to the medical and recreational cannabis industry and extend protections for individuals and businesses in their dealings with their legal advisors 
The current conflict between federal and California law regarding the legality of cannabis creates problems for businesses that are unlike any other industry. 
The fact that cannabis is illegal under federal law – combined with the failure of the current California law to distinguish between what is illegal under federal law in its statutory definition of an illegal contract – discourages clients from pursuing legitimate claims in court. 
Furthermore, the status quo does not provide appropriate protection for attorney-client privilege. 
Enter your information below to send a message to your elected officials in support of this effort. 
Be sure to visit http://www.canorml.org/ and follow California NORML on Facebook and Twitter. 

Illinois: Legislation Pending To Expand Industrial Hemp Cultivation

Update: SB 1294 passed the Illinois Senate on May 4 and is now pending in the House
Legislation is pending to regulate the commercial cultivation of industrial hemp.
The Industrial Hemp Act, SB 1294 seeks to license farmers to “grow, process, cultivate, harvest, process, possess, sell, or purchase industrial hemp or industrial hemp related products” for commercial purposes. It expands upon a 2014 law permitting hemp cultivation for agricultural and academic research.
Please use the prewritten letter below to urge lawmakers to support this legislation.

Nevada: Oppose The Proposed Tax on Medical Marijuana

Senate Bill 487 would increase the current excise tax on marijuana from two to ten percent of the sales price of the marijuana or product.
While NORML generally does not oppose the imposition of fair and reasonable sales taxes on the commercial sales of cannabis for recreational purposes, we do not support such excessive taxation on medical sales. Most other states that regulate medical cannabis sales do not impose such taxes and Nevada patients should not be forced to pay these excessive costs.
Enter your information below to contact your elected officials and urge them to oppose this measure.

Texas: Request To Establish An Interim Committee To Study The Feasibility Of Medical Cannabis

House Concurrent Resolution (HRC) 149 – Legislation proposed by Texas House Representative Eddie Lucio, III requests that the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House of Representatives create a joint interim committee to study the feasibility of medical cannabis in Texas. While an HRC is not required to hold an interim committee study, passing this Concurrent Resolution will ensure that the study takes place. 
Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have enacted statewide provisions allowing patients access to cannabis therapy. Texas patients deserve these same protections. 
Please be sure to thank Rep. Lucio III on Facebook and Twitter. For more information, visit Texas NORML to learn how you can help in your area.
Please enter your information below to contact your state lawmakers and urge them to support HCR 149.

Texas: Request To Establish An Interim Committee To Study The Feasibility Of Medical Cannabis

House Concurrent Resolution (HRC) 149 – Legislation proposed by Texas House Representative Eddie Lucio, III requests that the Lieutenant Governor and the Speaker of the House of Representatives create a joint interim committee to study the feasibility of medical cannabis in Texas. While an HRC is not required to hold an interim committee study, passing this Concurrent Resolution will ensure that the study takes place. 
Twenty-nine states and the District of Columbia have enacted statewide provisions allowing patients access to cannabis therapy. Texas patients deserve these same protections. 
Please be sure to thank Rep. Lucio III on Facebook and Twitter. For more information, visit Texas NORML to learn how you can help in your area.
Please enter your information below to contact your state lawmakers and urge them to support HCR 149.

Federal: Legislation Pending To Halt Forfeiture Actions Against Marijuana Facilities

Update: HR 331 was referred to committee.

Legislation is pending before Congress, HR 331, to halt the federal government from taking civil forfeiture action against properties involved in state-sanctioned, medical marijuana-related conduct.

If approved, it would “amend the Controlled Substances Act … to exempt real property from civil forfeiture due to medical marijuana-related conduct that is authorized by state law.”

In the past, federal officials have sought to close dispensaries by threatening property owners with civil forfeiture proceedings. Under these proceedings, property may be seized if there exist evidence that it was involved in activities that violate federal law, regardless of whether those activities are licit under state law.

Presently, the Justice Department is barred from taking such actions because of the passage of the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment. However, that protection will expire on April 28, 2017 unless renewed by Congress.

Please use the pre-written letter below to urge House lawmakers to take action on HR 331.

Delaware: Legislation To Add PTSD To Medical Marijuana Signed By Governor

Update: The Governor signed SB 24 on July 12. 
Update: On June 30 Senate Bill 24 passed and was sent to Governor for action.
Update: On June 22 Senate Bill 24 was reported out of Committee (Health & Human Development) in House with 1 Favorable, 7 On Its Merits.
Update: On June 1 Senate Bill 24 was referred to the House Health & Human Development Committee. 
Update: An amended version of SB 24 passed the Senate on May 18 and now heads to the House for consideration. Unfortunately, the bill no longer contains language to add anxiety as a qualifying condition. 
Senate Bill 24 has been introduced by Senate Majority Leader Margaret Rose Henry to expand the list of qualifying conditions to medical marijuana to include anxiety as well as make it easier for those suffering from PTSD to obtain their medicine. 
Enter your information below to send a pre-written letter to your state officials in support of SB 24.

New York: Senate Legislation Pending To Expand Patients’ Access to Medical Cannabis

Update: The 2017 legislative session came to a close with lawmakers taking no further action on SB 6092 and SB 6308.
Update: On May 11 both bills were referred to the Health Committee.
A pair of bills are pending in the Senate to expand patients’ access to medical cannabis.

Senate Bill 6092 expands the pool of patients eligible for medical cannabis access to include those with Alzheimer’s disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and a number of other debilitating diseases. It also removes arbitrary caps imposed on the amount of THC permitted in oral products. 

Senate Bill 6308 allows for additional cannabis providers to operate in the state in order to improve patients’ access.

Please use the prewritten letter below to express your support for these measures.

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