How to avoid heavy-metal accumulation in your hemp crop

(Editor’s note: This story is part of a recurring series of commentaries from professionals connected to the hemp industry. Derek Du Chesne is president of Exactus Hemp.) Let’s face it – the hemp industry is dealing with a huge problem, and it’s hurting everyone in the industry, especially growers and processors.  The problem in question […]

Canadian cannabis firm acquires CBD-producing Mass. company

Vancouver, British Columbia-based Future Farm Technologies says it has finished its consolidation with High Purity Natural Products, a Southbridge, Massachusetts, company that makes white-label CBD and hand sanitizer. Canadian cannabis firm acquires CBD-producing Mass. company is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Overheard at HIDC: 10 reasons hemp entrepreneurs can still be optimistic about the industry

Hemp isn’t a bust, despite the industry’s growing pains and all the headlines in the mainstream media that suggest otherwise. That’s the message Kristen Nichols, the editor of Hemp Industry Daily, had for entrepreneurs at the Hemp Industry Daily Conference Direct. “Everyone expected this industry to mature very quickly, but we saw a lot of […]

HIA names executive director, partners with industrial hemp group on marketing checkoff effort

The Hemp Industries Association has named former marijuana activist Jody McGinness as its new executive director. After a months-long search with nearly 100 qualified candidates, the national hemp association selected McGinness, a veteran association executive in the non-profit sector. McGinness last served as the head of fundraising for the Marijuana Policy Project, which advocates for  […]

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