Canadian Producer to Release Pure Cannabis ‘Cigarettes’

One Canadian company is hoping to sell pre-rolled cannabis cigarettes assembled with the all-too-familiar beige filters present on many tobacco cigarettes in Canada. And looking at the pictures from the company’s press release last week, you would actually be forgiven if at first glance you thought it was a cigarette. You may not even know […]

Cannabis Concentrates for Advanced Consumers

Cannabis concentrates, oils, and extracts offer many unique benefits that you won’t find smoking flower. From easy, precise dosing to clean and refined flavors, concentrates focus on the ingredients in cannabis that matter most. In this 4-part series, you’ll learn the fundamentals of concentrates, explore product options, discover how extracts are made, and more.  Cannabis concentrates […]

Pro Tip: Stop Mailing Cannabis to China

A leader of China’s drug enforcement agency on Monday blamed cannabis legalization in Canada and the United States for a spike in the amount of marijuana entering the People’s Republic. A Chinese official called cannabis legalization a ‘new threat to China.’ According to CNN, Liu Yuejin, deputy director of the China National Narcotics Control Commission, […]

Cannabis-Infused Beverages Are Coming, Will They Be Worth the Hype?

Next month, stakeholders in the cannabis and alcohol industries will gather at a conference centre in San Francisco to discuss the arrival of cannabis-infused beverages and its implications. In an article looking ahead to this first-ever Cannabis Drinks Expo, Forbes proclaimed that “the next frontier in cannabis is beverages.” No doubt about it, the future […]

Can Washington Fix Its Broken Cannabis Lab Testing System?

Nearly five years after the first legal sales of adult-use cannabis in Washington, lawmakers and regulators seem to have finally acknowledged that the state’s lab testing system is broken. The failures have been an open secret in industry circles for years, but only recently—after the sale of more than $4 billion in total cannabis products—did […]

What It’s Like to Be a Parent Who Medicates With Cannabis

If you’re someone who has a strong affinity for the cannabis plant, you’re likely familiar with being judged for it. But when you need it medically, this judgement can cause more harm than an awkward moment. When people make negative assumptions about what life is like for someone who medicates daily with cannabis, it can […]

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