15% of Workforce stuck at home consumes Marijuana

I can vouch for this. A poll performed by AmericanMarijuana.org asked recipients if they had smoked marijuana during the work day while at home due to the pandemic. Taking all ages into factor, 15% responded in the affirmative. That’s a pretty stunning amount, when considering the large amount and variety of people who were working […]

Seth Rogan’s Houseplant officially splits from Canopy Growth

Houseplant and Canopy are officially broken up. Seth Rogan’s very successful cannabis brand Houseplant has split ways with the Canadian based cannabis brand Canopy Growth. Evan Goldberg, Rogan’s right-hand man has said in a statement on Wednesday that the breakup is ‘mutual’, and they wish the best for Canopy Growth. Canopy Growth is best known […]

Do Americans want to drink their weed?

The prevalence of canned drinks infused with THC and/or CBD is growing by the week. Politico has taken a pretty interesting look into this new channel. The amount of money it’s garnered has shot up to double the amount in two years, projected at $421 million for 2021. By 2025, it’s predicted to reach $1 […]

No link between laziness and marijuana, study finds

There may be no more solidified representation of a pothead than that of a lazy, long haired, couch-centric being. However, a new study was just released that shows a lack of evidence supporting this. According to the authors, past studies would show, at best, mixed results between weed and laziness, and were all targeted towards […]

Liquid gold: How color remediation is shaking up the cannabis extraction industry

(This is the 11th installment in an ongoing series offering tips and advice for marijuana and hemp extraction companies. The 10th installment is available here.) A process commonly used in food and wine production – color remediation – is becoming increasingly popular in hemp and marijuana extraction. Manufacturers are looking to remove impurities, produce translucent […]

Cornell study indicates hemp goes hot due to genetics, not weather or environment

A new study by Cornell University researchers has found no evidence that environmental stress causes THC concentrations or ratios of CBD to THC concentrations to increase. Graduate student Jacob Toth created a series of research plots in Geneva, New York, including control plots and five stress treatments applied to three genetically unrelated, high-CBD hemp cultivars. […]

Hemp cultivation harvest is critical. Here’s how to prepare

(This is the 13th installment in a series focused on cultivation planning for marijuana and hemp growers. The previous installment is available here.) Both indoor and outdoor hemp and marijuana growers can give themselves a leg up by thinking ahead when it comes to arguably the most crucial step in the entire cultivation process: harvest. Cultivators aiming […]

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