Marijuana-related reform legislation continues to advance in several states. This week’s update highlights legislative developments in Louisiana, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Vermont.
Update: HB 460 has been signed into law and took immediate effect.
House Bill 460 allows current licensed medical marijuana pharmacies in regions with at least 3,500 active patients to apply for new locations as the patient population grows. If existing pharmacies do not apply to expand, the law also provides more licenses to new upcoming medical marijuana pharmacies to support the population growth of active medical consumers. These new licensing regulations will provide a more equitable geographic distribution of marijuana pharmacies across the state by allowing regulators to issue additional licenses to increase the number of available medical cannabis dispensaries.
Update: HB 286 has been signed into law and will take effect 8/1/2023.
House Bill 286 allows first-time offenders with marijuana possession misdemeanor offense charges to file a motion for expungement of records within ninety days of their conviction.
Update: Republican Governor Joe Lombardo has signed SB 277 into law.
Senate Bill 277 allows dispensaries to obtain dual licenses, allowing them to serve both medical patients and adult-use customers. It also increases the allowable purchasing limit of herbal cannabis to 2.5 ounces, among other changes.
Update: HB 270 became law absent the Governor’s signature.
House Bill 270 increases the number of plants allowed for patients to cultivate at home, allowing for six mature plants and 12 immature plants. The bill increases the maximum allowable THC content in a single edible cannabis product from 50 to 100 mg, expands the list of qualifying conditions for medical cannabis treatment, increases the number of patients a caregiver may provide services for at once, and removes annual registration fees for qualifying caregivers.
Update: SB 538 has been heard by the Senate Law and Justice Committee, and now awaits a vote.
Senate Bill 538 seeks to expand the Pennsylvania medical cannabis program to include the ability for patients to obtain edible cannabis medications in forms other than pills, tinctures, and liquids.
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Update: LD 555 has passed the legislature and now awaits action by the Governor.
Legislature Document 555 seeks to increase the permissible number of mature plants and immature seedlings that adults may home-cultivate.
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New Jersey
Update: SB 3973 awaits a hearing and vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Senate Bill 3973 seeks to reinstate harsher penalties for minors found in possession of cannabis. If passed, the bill would increase the severity of the charge to a disorderly person offense, which may carry a penalty of up to six months in juvenile detention.
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Legislative Document 1647 sought to create provisions prohibiting workplace discrimination against adults over the age of 21 who consume cannabis.
Legislative Document 1680 sought to legalize the delivery of marijuana to residential homes and businesses not located in a designated “safe zone,” as long as the business procured a special license for delivery and transport.
Assembly Bill 253 sought to legalize the public use of cannabis at certain events and would have begun the issuance of “Cannabis Event Organizer” licenses in the state of Nevada.