DEA Ends Public Comment Period for Rescheduling with 43,000 comments

DEA Ends Public Comment Period for Rescheduling with 43,000 comments

The period in which the public can comment on the potential rescheduling of marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III ended Monday night at midnight, and the public certainly weighed in, with a total of 42,925 comments.

Headset, a cannabis data-platform, analyzed the comments and found that they were almost unanimously in favor of the move, at 91%. However, they lumped in the comments that were both in favor of rescheduling along with the comments that wanted to deschedule marijuana altogether. From the DEA’s perspective, this could be considered against their planned action. It’s difficult to discern how many comments fall in either of these categories.

Now that the 60 day window for public comment has finally ended, the DEA will sift through the comments and make their final decision, which is very likely to be in favor of rescheduling, just in time for the election. This move will likely give Harris a slight bump, especially with the younger generation who have recently warmed to her drastically.

Read some of the comments here.

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