Hawaii: Oppose Bill To Impose Presumptive THC Impairment Standards

Update: SB 17 did not pass before the legislative crossover and likely will not be voted on this year. 
Update: SB 17 passed the first reading and was referred to committee.
Legislation is pending, SB 17, that seeks to establish a per se limit of “five nanograms or more per milliliter of active tetrahydrocannabinol” for anyone driving a motor vehicle. 

NORML opposes this proposal.

The presence of low levels of THC in blood is an inappropriate and inconsistent indicator of psychomotor impairment. No less than the United States Traffic Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) agrees, stating, “It is difficult to establish a relationship between a person’s THC blood or plasma concentration and performance impairing effects. … It is inadvisable to try and predict effects based on blood THC concentrations alone.” 

It should not be presumed that the detection of THC is predictive of psychomotor impairment and such a presumption should not be codified in Hawaii traffic safety statutes. The imposition and enforcement of this measure risks inappropriately convicting unimpaired subjects of traffic safety violations.

Enter your information below to let your Senator know that you oppose this unscientific proposal.

Hawaii: Marijuana Legalization Measures Pending

Update: No legalization bill passed before the legislative crossover and likely will not be voted on this year. 
Multiple pieces of legislation are pending to legalize the possession and use of limited amounts of marijuana for those over the age of 21.
According to 2014 statewide poll, 66 percent of Hawaii voters support the taxation and regulation of marijuana. 
The ongoing enforcement of cannabis prohibition financially burdens taxpayers, encroaches upon civil liberties, engenders disrespect for the law.
Please enter your information below and urge your lawmakers to support ending the prohibition of marijuana.

New York: Legalization Measure Introduced to Legislature

Update: A newly formed campaign, Start Smart NY, was launched on June 12 to support legalization. Empire State NORML is a member of the coalition supporting it’s efforts. 
Update: The Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, State Senate Bill S3040, has been referred to the Finance Committee.
Senator Liz Krueger (D) has introduced the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act, which is making its way through the New York General Legislature.

The act legalizes possession and cultivation, and would establish a market for legal marijuana for adults 21 and older. 

The ongoing enforcement of cannabis prohibition financially burdens taxpayers, encroaches upon civil liberties, engenders disrespect for the law, impedes legitimate scientific research into the plant’s medicinal properties, and disproportionately impacts communities of color.

Enter information below to contact your lawmakers and urge them to support this important legislation. 

Connecticut: Oppose The Bill To Impose Presumptive THC Impairment Standards

Update: Lawmakers failed to move AB 6198 out of committee. No action will be taken on this measure this legislative session.
Assembly Bill 6198 prohibits “a person from operating a motor vehicle with a concentration of marijuana in the blood” of 5 ng/ml or more of delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in his or her blood. 

NORML opposes this proposal.

The presence of low levels of THC in blood is an inappropriate and inconsistent indicator of psychomotor impairment. No less than the United States Traffic Highway Safety Administration (NHTSA) agrees, stating, “It is difficult to establish a relationship between a person’s THC blood or plasma concentration and performance impairing effects. … It is inadvisable to try and predict effects based on blood THC concentrations alone.” 

It should not be presumed that the detection of THC is predictive of psychomotor impairment and such a presumption should not be codified in Connecticut traffic safety statutes. The imposition and enforcement of this measure risks inappropriately convicting unimpaired subjects of traffic safety violations.

Enter your information below to let your member of the Assembly know that you oppose this unscientific proposal.
Connecticut is one of a growing number of states where lawmakers are considering regulating cannabis for adults. NORML will continue to update you in the coming weeks as this proposal moves forward during legislative session. You can sign up to receive information about Connecticut NORML’s upcoming lobby days here. 

Hawaii: Multiple Decriminalization Measures Pending

Update: No decriminalization bill passed before the legislative crossover and likely will not be voted on this year. 
Lawmakers in the House and Senate are once again considering multiple legislative bills to decriminalize the possession of up to one ounce of marijuana by adults. 
According to an analysis of 2010 marijuana arrests data, Hawaii police make some 1,500 marijuana possession arrests annually. Minor marijuana possession offenders, many of them young people, should not be saddled with a criminal record and the lifelong penalties and stigma associated with it.  
Additionally, 77 percent of Hawaii residents believe jail time is inappropriate for marijuana possession. 
However, Gov. David Ige — a former proponent of decriminalizing marijuana — is now expressing reluctance to move forward with such a change.
Enter your information below to contact your elected officials, including the Governor, and urge them to support decriminalizing marijuana offenses.   

Rhode Island: Marijuana Legalization Measure Introduced

Update: H. 5551, to establish a study commission to examine marijuana legalization, is scheduled to be heard May 12.
Update: H. 5555 was heard on April 11 but was “held for futher study.”
Update: House Speaker Nicholas Mattiello’s office says it is unlikely that the legislation would get a floor vote in the House. 
Update: The Senate version of The Adult Use of Cannabis Act was introduced on March 2. It is SB 420. (Seriously, it’s SB420.)
A coalition of Rhode Island lawmakers has reintroduced marijuana legalization legislation in the House, H. 5555: The Adult Use of Cannabis Act

The bill will allow adults 21 and older to possess cannabis and will establish a framework for businesses to cultivate and distribute marijuana. While the language is similar to that of previous bills that have failed to come to a vote, lawmakers this year believe that Rhode Island is ready to catch up to its northeast neighbors.

A majority of Rhode Island residents, about 60 percent, support legalization and Jared Moffat, Director of Regulate Rhode Island, believes: “It’s time for Rhode Island to look very seriously at this issue and pass a bill. Otherwise, we risk falling behind those other states.” 

Enter your information below and urge your state Representative, Senator, and Governor to support the legalization bill.

Wyoming: Marijuana Decriminalization Measure Introduced

UPDATE: This bill has been defeated and a new bill has been introduced that is much narrower in scope. 

Wyoming State Rep. Mark Baker has introduced HB 157 to decriminalize the possession of up to 3 ounces of marijuana. 

Baker’s bill is more robust than previous year’s legislation and marks a shift in attitude among state lawmakers.

More than 70% of Wyoming residents support decriminalization. Currently under state law, first-time marijuana possession offenses are classified as a criminal misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine. Wyoming should change its archaic laws and join the majority of the country in decriminalizing marijuana possession.  

Enter your information below to contact your state elected officials and urge them to support this pending legislation. 

Arizona: Measures Introduced To Regulate Marijuana Retail Sales

Update: HB 2003 was not given consideration before the Arizona Legislative Crossover date therefore will not be voted on this year. 
Arizona Representative Mark Cardenas has introduced legislation to permit the cultivation and retail sale of marijuana for adults.

House Bill 2003 would regulate the commercial cultivation and retail sale of marijuana to adults over the age of 21. The measures also permit individuals to cultivate marijuana for their own personal use. 

Arizona’s penalties pertaining to the possession and/or sale of cannabis are among the toughest in the nation. Under present law, marijuana possession is classified as a felony, punishable by up to two years in jail. 

Arizona is one of a growing number of states where lawmakers are considering regulating cannabis for adults. NORML will continue to update you in the coming weeks as this proposal moves forward. For more information on legislative efforts in Arizona, please contact Arizona NORML here.

Enter your information below to contact your House representatives and urge them to support HB 2003.

Arizona: Measure introduced To Defelonize Minor Marijuana Offenses

Update: HB 2002 was not given consideration before the Arizona Legislative Crossover date therefore will not be voted on this year. 
Arizona Representative Mark Cardenas has introduced legislation, House Bill 2002, which is making its way through committee, to defelonize minor marijuana possession offenses.

Arizona’s penalties pertaining to the possession and/or sale of cannabis are among the toughest in the nation. Under present law, marijuana possession is classified as a felony, punishable by up to two years in jail. Annually, an estimated 20,000 Arizonans are arrested for violating marijuana possession laws.

House Bill 2002 will reclassify minor marijuana possession offenses from a felony to a civil offense, punishable by a fine only — no arrest, no criminal prosecution, and no criminal record.

Enter your information below to contact your House representative and urge them to support HB 2002.

Arizona is one of a growing number of states where lawmakers are considering regulating cannabis for adults. NORML will continue to update you in the coming weeks as this proposal moves forward.

For more information on legislative efforts in Arizona, please contact Arizona NORML here.

Virginia: Marijuana Decriminalization Measure Introduced

Legislation is pending to eliminate criminal penalties for marijuana possession offenses.

Senate bill 1269 provides a civil penalty of no more than $100 for a first-time marijuana possession violation — no arrest, no jail time, and no criminal record. 

Under current law, a first offense is punishable by a maximum fine of $500 and a maximum 30-day jail sentence. Subsequent offenses are a Class 1 misdemeanor.

The bill further protects Virginians by ensuring that a driver’s license suspension can apply only to criminal violations or to civil violations by a minor.

The number of Virginians arrested for violating the state’s marijuana possession laws increased 76 percent between the years 2003 and 2014, at a time when arrests for similar violations were falling nationwide, according to an assessment of arrest data provided by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Virginia State Police.

Presently, Virginia police make over 22,000 annual marijuana possession arrests — one of the highest totals of any state in the nation. Minor marijuana possession offenders, many of them young people, should not be saddled with a criminal record and the lifelong penalties and stigma associated with it.
The number of African Americans arrested for possessing marijuana climbed from 4,991 in 2003 to 10,293 in 2014 – an increase of 106 percent, the report determined. In 2013, African Americans accounted for nearly half (47 percent) of possession arrests, but comprised only 20 percent of the state population.

The policy proposed by this bill is line with those of numerous other states, including Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, and Nebraska. Such a change will save taxpayers money and allow police and the courts to reprioritize their resources toward addressing more serious crimes. 

Enter your information below to contact your state lawmakers and urge them to support Senate Bill 1269. 

Stay up to date with this and other NORML activities by following Virginia NORML on Facebook and register for the Virginia 2017 Cannabis Conference and Lobby Day.

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