Combat Flu Season With These Nevada Cannabis Remedies

Flu season is upon us, and this year is predicted to be especially intense. I’m allergic to the flu vaccine, so I rely on natural methods to boost my immunity. Thankfully, cannabis is a great tool to have in your holistic health toolbox; it works to balance the immune system, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain. […]

Nevada’s Best Intimate Cannabis Topicals

As a yoga teacher, I can affirm that cannabis enhances sensation, releases tension and stimulates blood flow within the body. These effects are why yoga and mindful movement pairs so nicely with cannabis. They’re also why cannabis can heighten your sexual experience. More research needs to be done, but all signs indicate that the secret […]

Nevada’s Terpene-Rich Cannabis Products and Where to Find Them

Terpenes within a product—and the impact they produce—is not always an easy correlation. Often, familiar aromas are a combination of several terpenes that contribute to the unique flavors and pharmacological effects of cannabis. Nevadan consumers tend to be knowledgeable of terpenes since the state requires the top three terpenes to be displayed on cannabis packaging. […]

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