DOJ Warns US Supreme Court to Stay Out of Legalization

The US Justice Department is issuing statements to the US Supreme Court that they should not take up a case revolving around worker compensation for medical marijuana. The Justice Department has said that doing so would result in wide-ranging implications related to federal supremacy. They had also said that doing so would be pointless due […]

Status Update: 2022 Ballot Initiatives and Referendums

Voters in several states are anticipated to decide on marijuana-related ballot measures in November. Here is an update of where those efforts currently stand.  Arkansas The group Arkansans for Marijuana Reform is seeking to place a constitutional amendment on the November ballot. It aims to allow adults 21 and older to possess up to four […]

State Policy Weekly Update 5/13/2022

This week’s update highlights legislative advancement in California, Delaware, Louisiana, New Jersey, and more! California  Pain patients rights legislation, AB 1954, passed through the committee process and now heads to the Assembly floor. This bill prohibits a physician and surgeon from automatically denying treatment or medication to a qualified patient, as defined, based solely on […]

Austin Texas Has Voted to Decriminalize Marijuana

Austin Texas just voted to decriminalize marijuana. 85% of voters showed up and voted in favor of passing Proposition A which would immediately decriminalize marijuana in the capital. There were also some other pieces of legislation included within the proposition. Proposition A does more than decriminalize marijuana, the proposition also prevents police from executing no-knock […]

Company Introduces Psychedelic Shrooms in Nasal Spray

Madrigal Mental Care, a biopharmaceutical company from Israel, has announced a nasal spray with the purpose to treat PTSD and anxiety. Nanoparticles of psilocybin are in the spray, along with ketamine and MDMA. The spray will be introduced fully at the Biomed Israel 2022 conference taking place May 10-12 in Tel Aviv. Hopefully we’ll get […]

Sweeping Marijuana Reform Gaining Momentum in the Senate

Major cannabis reform in the Senate may be gaining momentum. Initially thought to be dead when pushed into the Senate, the SAFE Banking Act is slowly gaining bipartisan support from lawmakers across the US. The Safe Banking Act, works by enabling cannabis firms to use banking services, bolstering both the supply and manufacturing aspect of […]

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