Autistic Children Show Signs Of Improvement After Consuming Cannabis Oil

According to a new study in Israel, children with autism spectrum disorders reported a significant improvement in their social communication skills only six months after treatment with cannabidiol-rich cannabis oil. Parents also reported a reduction in repetitive and restrictive behaviors in the children tested. The report was published in the Translational Psychiatry. Could cannabis be […]

Marijuana Sales are Declining

It was mistake to see anything happening during the pandemic as the new normal. It’s the reason why the stocks for Zoom and Peloton have sunk in the past year, and it’s the same reason why we’re seeing a much less enthusiastic marijuana market. When people were literally stuck home, the idea of spending lots […]

Brittany Griner Traded for Notorious Arms Dealer, Does This Signify A Step Towards Federal Legalization?

With the return of Brittney Griner to the United States, many amongst the population are wondering when the United States will legalize marijuana. With all the effort and time put into freeing a citizen in a foreign country, is it hypocritical for the United States to lock up our own citizens for the same crimes? […]

Marijuana Legalization In Missouri Started This Week, Medical Dispensaries Scramble To ‘Convert’ To Recreational

Marijuana legalization in Missouri took effect this week ushering a new era for the drug within the state’s borders. Missouri voters passed legislation in November to approve a constitutional amendment to legalize the recreational use of marijuana for adults. This amendment sought to end prohibition on the drug and allow individuals to legally possess 3 […]

10 Students At California Middle School Treated For ‘Cannabis Overdose’

10 Students at a Southern California Middle School have been treated for a possible cannabis overdose. According to reports from local officials, the students were found to be drowsy with glazed faces. The students were transported to local hospitals and tested for possible fentanyl contamination. None of the children were laced with the harmful drug […]

Report Showing Concerns over High THC Weed was Leaked

A scientific report from Washington detailing concerns about high potency marijuana was expected to come out at the end of this month, but Cannabis Observer got their hands on it before then. Within the report, some policy suggestions are made in order to quell the snowballing prevalence of highly potent cannabis. Some of these policies […]

Missouri: Legalization Takes Effect on 12/8

Beginning Thursday, December 8th, adults in Missouri may legally able possess cannabis. Retail adult-use sales are anticipated to begin in February.   “December 8th is a historic date for Missourians,” said Dan Viets, co-author of Amendment 3, Missouri NORML Coordinator and Chair of the Amendment 3 Advisory Board. “Most of the 20,000 annual marijuana arrests […]

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