How Hemp CBD Products Are Made: CBD Vape Pens with Select CBD

This article is sponsored by SelectCBD, an Oregon-based CBD retailer that blends hemp-derived CBD oil with coconut oil and other natural flavors in discreet, easy-to-use vape pens. For consumers looking for a simple and discreet way to microdose CBD throughout the course of their day, CBD vape pens can be a great solution. As consumer interest […]

How Floraplex Crafts Rare Terpenes Like Hashishene in the Lab

This article is sponsored by Floraplex Terpenes, offering botanically derived terpenes and terpene blends to individuals and businesses alike. In today’s terpene market, fruity flavors and sweet strains rule the roost, according to the team at Floraplex Terpenes, which marks terpene blends mimicking the makeup of Gelato and Fruity Pebbles OG as among their top […]

How Hemp CBD Products Are Made: CBD Salves with Made By Hemp

This article is presented by Made By Hemp, a Michigan-based CBD retailer dedicated to providing customers with high quality hemp-based products to improve their wellness and quality of life.  Made By Hemp started out as a wholesaler and distributor of CBD-infused products. Now, they’ve taken the lessons they learned there and applied them to manufacturing their […]

How Veterans and Values Guide Growth for Extract Labs

This article is presented by Extract Labs, developing infused CBD products sourced from US-grown hemp.  Today, Extract Labs is a national CBD brand with operations in Colorado and Kentucky. But the company got its start in a humble garage, the pet project of founder and CEO Craig Henderson. While the brand has ballooned to employ […]

Cannabis Concentrates for Advanced Consumers

Cannabis concentrates, oils, and extracts offer many unique benefits that you won’t find smoking flower. From easy, precise dosing to clean and refined flavors, concentrates focus on the ingredients in cannabis that matter most. In this 4-part series, you’ll learn the fundamentals of concentrates, explore product options, discover how extracts are made, and more.  Cannabis concentrates […]

What Are Cannabis Concentrates, Oils, and Extracts?

Cannabis concentrates, oils, and extracts offer many unique benefits that you won’t find smoking flower. From easy, precise dosing to clean and refined flavors, concentrates focus on the ingredients in cannabis that matter most. In this 4-part series, you’ll learn the fundamentals of concentrates, explore product options, discover how extracts are made, and more. Cannabis oils, […]

Inside the Research Grow Operation With Rx Green Technologies

This article is presented by Rx Green Technologies, a provider of specialty agricultural products designed with the cannabis industry in mind.  As the team at RX Green Technologies worked to develop new agricultural products that help cannabis cultivators get the most out of their operations, they learned firsthand how tough it can be to do rigorous […]

What Are You Smoking Episode 85: Busting Stoner Stereotypes

What Are You Smoking? is hosted by a rotating cast of Leafly’s cannabis experts—Will Hyde, Bailey Rahn, Emily Resling, and Dante Jordan. Tune in every Wednesday to hear activists, entrepreneurs, farmers, processors, and figures from from all corners of the cannabis world weigh in on the latest developments in the industry, what’s coming next, and of […]

How Curaleaf Connects New Yorkers with Medical Cannabis

This article is presented by Curaleaf, a cannabis provider dedicated to advancing the industry through research, education, and advocacy. New York’s first medical marijuana dispensaries opened their doors in early 2016, but in the years since many residents have still had a hard time understanding how they can qualify for a medical cannabis card. As […]

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