Arizona’s 4/20 Pickup Deals

Arizona’s 4/20 Pickup Deals

The Leafly Buyer’s Guide to 4/20 is here to help you take full advantage of the very best deals near you. Using Leafly Pickup, you’ll not only be able to breeze through the shopping experience, you’ll also find exclusive deals on your favorite cannabis products. Happy 4/20!

If you’re celebrating 4/20 in Arizona, Leafly has you covered with some incredible deals on cannabis when you use Leafly Pickup to place your order. Save money and time during the holiday madness!

These deals will be available 4/19 through 4/20.


Harvest Dispensary

Lake Havasu City

Harvest Dispensary

Phoenix Area

Curaleaf Dispensaries

50% off Curaleaf’s entire Pickup menu at these locations:


Harvest Dispensaries

30% off items on Harvest’s Pickup menu at the following locations:

Health for Life Dispensaries

30% off items on Health for Life Dispensaries’ Pickup menu at the following locations:

The Holistic Center

Level Up Powered by MedMen Dispensaries

30% off Level Up’s entire Pickup menu at their two locations:

Mint Dispensaries

50% off the entire Pickup menu at these Mint locations:

Oasis Dispensaries

30% off the entire Pickup menu at Oasis Dispensary locations:

Yilo Superstore


Harvest of Tucson

While supplies last. Not valid for cash or cash equivalent. Participating dispensary owns all choices related to the deal and content as well as its administration. 21+ or qualified patients only.

Views: 311
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